"KIT CUT Yuzu pepper" tasting review using Japanese spice · Yuzu pepper in Kyushu born review

There are various kinds of "Takoyaki sauce taste" in Osaka, "Lavender flavor" in Hokkaido, "local cake" of taste tailored to the image of each district. Many are inscribed as "region limited" and can not be obtained in other regions, so many people who buy as souvenirs will return.

When I went to Kyushu the other day, I found one such "local sweets". That is Kitcut Yuzu Pepper. I think that the idea of ​​making the chocolate confection a citrus pepper taste is quite amazing, but I bought it unexpectedly because it was dazzled by that mysterious combination. Is it really Matumo goods ... ?.

Review from below.
Kyushu limited "Kitcut Yuzu pepper".

"Yuzosho powder" "Yuzu skin" is contained in the raw material.

"Yuzu pepper" which is used as a pot dish etc. was born in Kyushu (Oita prefecture special product).

"Pepper" in the name refers to pepper rather than so-called pepper (pepper).

6 bags included.

It looks the same as ordinary kit cut.

A kit cut that a faint citrus scent smells like a yuzu. It seemed like I had a feeling of being spicy in the aftertaste, and it was not a hot and sweet hen sweets. I feel like trying to eat something like a punishment game just covered with chocolate with the citrus pepper between the wafers.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt