Tenjin Festival Gal Mikoshi Movie Gallery full of lively energy with no bottomlessness - Donmen Hen ~

It is a movie of taking a picture of dedication at Osaka Tenmangu Shrine, which can be said to be the main of Gyarakoji cruise. Despite the fact that it has circled the Tenjinbashi muscle shopping street, which is said to be the longest in Japan, he takes off with his mental power that keeps the mikoshi and keeps high tension. I have taken these energetic things in movies.

Movie playback is from the following.
Gal Mikoshi arrived in front of Osaka Tenmangu Shrine.

After stopping for a while, Mikoshi came into the precincts.

Girls who hand in front of the Taiko (Takanaka) in the precincts.

Next, hand-crafted in front of the ground car (Denjiri).

Next, we worship at the main shrine. It is making noise even after worshiping.

Girls who rejoin the Mikoshi again and do a fresh job. Despite having made one lap in the shopping area that is said to be the longest in Japan, it is awesome physical strength.

Gals who lift ever higher eclipses than the last of the enemy roll. Are their strengths bottomless?

Negiraki is over and Mikoshi left the main shrine.

Probably the girls who were playing Mikoshi in front of Oku (Ohor).

After this, they returned to 5 - chome Tenjinbashi muscle shopping district which is near 1 kilometer by carrying mikoshi. Just as there is an endurance examination in assessing the clerk, everyone has a great physical strength. Even if the Mikoshi visit is over, they are going to participate in various events and PR activities of the Tenjinbashi muscle shopping street for a year.

in Coverage,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log