Every day when you drink a glass of wine you get 6 potency

There are various kinds of alcohol such as shochu, sake, whiskey and beer, but among them wine seems to be able to obtain various benefits by drinking a glass of glass every day.

Although it seems that it is not so good to take alcohol every day, it seems that there is no problem even if you drink every day if you ingest it moderately, there are effects obtained by drinking rather than everyday.

Details are from the following.
6 Reasons Why a Little Glass of Wine Each Day May Do You Good - Healthy Eating - Health.com

1. Memory improvement

When I went to a memory quiz for women who were not drinking wine in the same age as women in their 70s drinking a glass of wine each day, women who are drinking wine every day got a high score . According to Mr. Ted Goldfinger of Arizona University School of Medicine, wine has the effect of preventing blood clots and blood vessel inflammation. Also, because it contains good cholesterol, it has effect to prevent arteriosclerosis etc.

2. Diet effect

It seems that people who ingest wine moderately found thinner waist and lower body fat percentage than those drinking other alcoholic beverages. It is thought that 90 minutes after drinking wine helps to consume extra calories and thus it can obtain a diet effect. Likewise, a small amount of beer seems to be able to obtain similar effects.

3. Improve resistance

According to British studies, those who drink a glass of wine everyday have found that the incidence of infection, gastritis, ulcer and gastric cancer due to Helicobacter pylori bacteria and bacteria is 11% lower. According to Spanish studies, it seems that it may be effective against food poisoning by Salmonella.

4. Ovarian cancer suppression

According to a study in Australia, it is said that ovarian cancer incidence rate is halved by drinking a glass of wine every day. This includes antioxidants contained in wine andPhytoestrogenIt seems that it is thought that the effect is obtained by the substance called. In addition, according to the research at the University of Michigan, it is said that red wine also helped to kill ovarian cancer cells.

5. Construction of skeleton

It seems that women taking moderately wine have found high bone density. It is thought that this is because it helps the formation of estrogen (female hormone) and has the effect of adjusting hormone balance.

6. Blood glucose level suppression effect

When comparing the diabetes incidence rates of women who drink wine one day or two drinks at Harvard Medical School and women who do not drink wine, women who regularly drink wine are more likely to develop diabetes It seems that the rate is low. Although it seems that the detailed reason is not clarified, it is thought that it is thought that it is performing some action on insulin.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log