Is it true that drinking olive oil can prevent a hangover?

Drinking alcohol is fun and relieves stress, but if you drink too much, you will suffer from a hangover, so people have been searching for ways to avoid a hangover while drinking alcohol for a long time. In recent years, the theory that 'drinking olive oil before drinking alcohol will slow down the absorption of alcohol and prevent a hangover' has become popular, but
Some say a shot of olive oil can prevent a hangover – here's what the science says

The theory that drinking olive oil can prevent hangovers has been gaining popularity since music producer Benny Blanco spoke about it on the talk show ' The Tonight Show .' The mechanism by which olive oil prevents hangovers is explained as 'the fat in olive oil forms a coating on the lining of the stomach, slowing down the rate at which alcohol is absorbed into the blood.'
A hangover occurs when alcohol absorbed into the bloodstream is broken down in the liver to produce a harmful substance called acetaldehyde , and the concentration of acetaldehyde in the blood rises too high, so there seems to be some validity in the explanation that olive oil can prevent a hangover by slowing down the absorption of alcohol.
However, Stebbing points out that while this claim is appealing, it needs to be viewed with skepticism as there is no scientific evidence to back it up, and argues that drinking olive oil is unlikely to prevent a hangover.
It is true that fatty foods can slow down the absorption of alcohol to some extent, but only about 20% of alcohol is absorbed in the stomach, and the remaining 80% is absorbed in the small intestine. In other words, even if olive oil slows down the absorption of alcohol from the stomach, most of the alcohol is absorbed in the small intestine, so it is unlikely to be effective in preventing a hangover. In addition, olive oil does not reduce the production of acetaldehyde by the liver or the symptoms associated with a hangover, such as dehydration, headaches, and nausea.
Rather than relying on olive oil, Stebbing suggests taking the following steps to prevent a hangover:
1. Drink plenty of water
Dehydration is said to be the main cause of hangover symptoms, and drinking enough water before, during, and after drinking can help reduce the severity of a hangover.
◆2: Get enough nutrition
Eating a nutritious meal rich in protein, fat and carbohydrates before drinking alcohol can slow the absorption of alcohol more effectively than drinking olive oil.
◆3: Drink in moderation
The most effective way to prevent a hangover is to not drink so much that it causes a hangover. By determining your limit and pacing your alcohol intake, you can significantly reduce your risk of a hangover.
◆4: Supplementing missing nutrients
Replacing electrolytes lost after drinking alcohol and consuming foods and drinks that contain essential nutrients will help your body recover from a hangover. Good foods and drinks after drinking alcohol include sports drinks, fruits and vegetables.

'It's worth noting that some people claim the olive oil method works for them, but these stories are often influenced by the placebo effect . Belief in the effectiveness of a treatment can sometimes lead to perceived improvements, even if the effectiveness has not been scientifically proven. This means that the idea of drinking a glass of olive oil before drinking to prevent a hangover, while an appealing and simple solution, lacks scientific backing,' Stebbing said.
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