Anime The popular broadcasting "Nagi no Utamoi" ​​in Nagi was "Kannagi", due to poor physical condition of the author for immediate release

From the monthly Comic REX issued by Ikusha, the series is being serialized, and since October, the popular work "Kannagi" which is also broadcasting TV animation is closed from the January issue for the time being due to poor physical condition of the author, Mukuri Eiri It became clear that it becomes.

Regarding "Kannagi", there is a ripple that the main heroine Nagi is unmirror recently, and among the fansSome people tore away the comics they hadIt seems. ZAKZAK is "There is a high possibility that fans protested against female authors of original manga and the serial series of cartoons was forced to indefinite pauseI report it, but what will it be like in "Kannagi" in the future?

Details are as below.
On December 9 (Tue) releasedMonthly Comic RexJanuary issue.

The table of contents looks like this. I can not find "Kannagi" ... ....

Discovered the notice of the holiday in line with various notices.

It was published on page 188.

This month's issue is closed due to poor physical condition. Also, it seems that future series will be closed for the time being.

Addendum: About that truth, the editor-in chief made a presentation that it was "closed due to sudden illness."

About "Kannagi" holiday "ComicREX" editor-in-chiece announces its truth on the net - GIGAZINE

in Note,   Manga,   Anime, Posted by logc_nt