The exhibition of "Itasha" held at Comiket place

"Autosalone", an exhibition of "Itasha",means an "awful car", held beside the meeting place of Comic Market 74. Itasha is an automobile decorated with (mostly) female characters from animation and game, which shows the drivers' overmuch love to her.
Here's more pictures of Itasha.
Entrance banner with "Autosalone" in hiragana letter.

Ciel from "Tsukihime".

Large enough to show off

Fate Testarossa from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha.

Perfectly decorated to the fuel cap

Vita the Volkenritter also from "Nanoha"

Saying "For car racing use".

Racing number on the side. No bluffing

Nagomi Yashi from "Tsuyokiss"

Zettai Ryoiki from here

Tsundere T-shirts covering the seat

Painting on back of the door. Astonishing

Itasha of "Silver Stone"

"No Itasha, No life"

An ordinary Nissann from distance

Sakuya Izayoi from "Touhou Project" appears when it is seen from the additional angle.

Vocaloid(artificial voice generator for MIDI) "Hatsune Miku".

"Hachune Miku", deformed version of Miku

With RX-7 emblem.

Tamaki Kosaka from "To Heart 2".

Other vehicles exhibited at Autosalone can be seen at following site.
(Japanese)Autosalone - exhibition of charactor dressup & customized car
This article was originally posted in Japanese at 16:28 Aug. 18, 2008.
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