Sakusaku Monster Battle

"Sakusaku Monster Battle" is an online game where you can summon a Dragon Warrior-ish monster just by entering a name. He will battle against another monster.
The looks and status of the monster depends on his name. Try and make an invincible one.
(Japanese)Sakusaku Monster Battle
This is the top page. Input whatever name that popped in your mind and the battle will begin.

Your opponent is the current champion "ぷぷぷぷぷぷぷぷぷぷぷぷぷ"(Pupupu...) who's winning 281 straight victories.
Next page, you get the outcome of the battle.

It only took the champion six turns to defeat "ギガジン"(Gigazine).
"ぎがじん"(Gigazine) turned out to be a little stronger.
HP 8314: offence 735: defence 953: speed 722: luck 334.
But the opponent "o" is winning straight 342.

Eleven turns later. "ぎがじん" lost.

Alphabet and numbers can be used for the names, and you can also play it on your cell phones. Might be a entertaining way to kill time.
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in Web Service, Game, Posted by darkhorse_log