Pokemon that thousands of people were playing at the same time finally went to all chestnuts, the last battle of the masterpiece
' TwitchPlaysPokemon ', which was released on the live distribution site
Twitch Beats Pokémon! The next adventure begins Sunday | Ars Technica
TPP Victory! The Thundershock Heard Around the World | Twitch Blog
You can check how 'Twitch Plays Pokemon', which allows thousands of people to play Pokemon Red at the same time, works from the following article.
Thousands of players play together in 'Pokemon' that can be played by thousands of players at the same time, playing a deadly battle with Matisse --GIGAZINE
At the beginning of the release of TwitchPlaysPokemon, the viewer operated the main character on the screen by entering commands such as '↓' 'A' 'Start' in the chat box, but on the way it is called 'Anarchy' 'Democracy' Two game modes have been added. 'Anarchy' is a mode that reflects all the commands entered in the chat, and 'Democracy' is a mode that reflects the most frequently entered commands among the commands entered in 30 seconds. Players can change the mode by typing 'Anarchy' and 'Democracy', and with the advent of this 'Democracy', the progress speed of the game has dramatically improved.
It took a total of 16 days 45 minutes 30 seconds to clear TwitchPlaysPokemon, and the movie of the final battle with the rival that can be said to be the shime is released on YouTube, and you can check it from the following.
The hero who defeated Pokemon Four Tenno fights against rival Blue to clarify who is the strongest Pokemon trainer. In addition, the hero who did not purchase any recovery items etc. could not recover the HP of Pokemon during the battle between the four heavenly kings and Blue, which became a five-game battle.
The battle with Blue has started. The main character has a handicap that two Pokemon are already incapable of fighting.
Blue sends Pidgeot, and the main character sends Thunder. When Thunder attacks with 'Kaminari', Pidgeot becomes incapacitated with a single blow.
Then Blue throws in Alakazam.
Thunder once again defeats Houdin with 'Kaminari'. Thunder who kills the blue Pokemon instantly, probably because the level is too different.
Blue's next Rhydon attacks with 'Midarezuki', but has little effect on Thunder.
The chances of attacking Rhydon come to Thunder many times, but Thunder fires a series of 'Kaminari' that have no effect on Rhydon.
Change Pokemon here.
While the cursor moves around, the hero throws in Nidoking. The Nidoking defeats Rhydon with a single 'Naminori' blow.
Windy, who appeared next, is also easily buried in Thunder with 'Kaminari'.
Trying to use the 'SECRET KEY' that the player cannot use during battle many times ...
Even though it was the last battle, I tried to escape from the battle, and the battle did not proceed easily.
It was Thunder who made an outstanding performance that settled the long battle. Defeat Blue Kamex with 'Thunder Shock' and the last battle is over.
It took about 16 days, but thousands of people worked together to finally reach the ending.
The Pokemon that the main character owned when the game was cleared are as follows. This is the LV81 Thunder that was a big success.
Nidoking was LV54.
LV52 Omastar.
Morphon is LV39
LV31 Laplace
Pidgeot had grown to LV69.
Play time is 255 hours, possession money is 40398 yen, 132 types of Pokemon are found, and 30 types of Pokemon are caught.
Following the end of TwitchPlaysPokemon, Twitch.tv has released statistics on the channel's distribution. According to the content of the announcement, the number of posted messages is about 122 million, the maximum number of simultaneous viewers is about 121,000, and the total number of viewers is 36 million. Users who were distributing TwitchPlaysPokemon are releasing a new adventure, ' Pokemon Crystal Version ' that can be played by thousands of people at the same time, and anyone with a Twitch.tv account can participate.
TwitchPlaysPokemon --Twitch
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