Thousands of players can simultaneously play "Pokemon" thousands of players playing together, playing death fight with Matisse

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The first generation of the Pokemon series "Pocket monster red"It was remodeled to specification that thousands of people can play at the same time"TwitchPlaysPokemon"Is a live distribution siteTwitch.tvIt has been published in, and it is showing only the aspect that it can only say that it is chaos anymore.

TwitchPlaysPokemon - Twitch

You can check how many thousands of players are playing Pokemon Red at the same time from the following movie.

Thousands of players playing "Pokemon Red" - YouTube

The chat box displayed on the right side of the screen is a mechanism that allows the emulator to convert and operate the main character in the screen by entering commands such as "down", "a", "start" here. However, since thousands of players enter a command that they like freely with fearful momentum, the hero is going down and walking all the way, and it is in a chaotic situation that it is hard to go forward.

Although occasional menus are opened, it is difficult to unify thousands of wills, using items that can not be used, checking possessing Pokemon multiple times and so on.

According to the details of play contents displayed for a moment, at the time of article writing, 4 Pokemon badges were registered at the time of article writing, 10 Pokemon entries were registered in Pokemon book, and the playing time was 102 hours 26 minutes.

You can check on TwitchPlaysPokemon that is currently under way and you can actually participate if you have Twitch account.

TwitchPlaysPokemon - Twitch

This chaotic Pokemon live broadcast is deliveredTwitchPlaysPokemonHas released a highlight movie until now, one of them "Ultimate battle with Lt. Surge (death battle with Matisse)"Can be confirmed from the following.

TwitchPlaysPokemon - Ultimate battle with Lt. Surge - Twitch

Watch live video from TwitchPlaysPokemon on TwitchTV

While opening the menu many times, I gradually advanced, finally found a gym leader Mathis.

It moves to next to Mathis, but the hero who does not talk to Matis at all.

A menu is opened and Pokemon possessed is displayed. There are Pokemon with a name that does not mean "JLVWNNOOOO" and "ABBBBBBK (" in owned, but this is because players entered letters as they wanted to acquire Pokemon and determine its name That's right.

While moving to the corner of the room ......

The hero who finally talks to Matisse.

Then the battle starts.

Matisse introduced VOLTORB (Japan name: Biliridama), and the hero sent DUX (green comedy) first.

A bamboo tree trying to run away as soon as the battle begins.

And the players try to change Pokemon, but as we pick battle battle repeatedly, the message "The camouflage is already fighting!" Is displayed.

Matisse's Bibiridama attacks using "TACKLE (Japan name: Tomari)".

The birds that tried to escape from the battle repeatedly fight back with "CUT (Japanese: Kaku)".

To some extent, a lizard named ABBBBBBK (appeared instead of green ones.

Lizard did not fight easily, but I defeated Bibiridama with "SCRATCH (Japanese name: Hippaku)".

After that, Matisse launched Pikachu, and the hero launched DROWZEE (Japan name: Sleep).

Sleep tries to use unusable items many times during battle, and each time a message is displayed saying "It is an item that can not be used!".

Sleep eventually reduced Pikachu's technique "Electric shock", HP decreased to 4.

Sleep has fallen into a big pinch, but here it is successful to change Pokemon whether the will of thousands of players have been unified.

And the green peel reappears.

After that, PIDGEOTTO (Japan name: Pigeon) appeared instead of bamboo shoots, destroying Pikachu.

The last Pokemon of Matisse is RAICHU (Japanese name: Raichu).

I am concerned about the continuation of the battle, but Pigeon is trying to use "HELIX FOSSIL (Japan name: Shell fossil)" which can not be used during battle many times, the battle does not advance easily.

Pigeon was unexpectedly buried with a raccoon shock shock.

After that, even though the green peony appeared again and it was brought back to Rai Chu ... ...

Finally Lizard defeats Raichu and the battle ends. The battle was just a dead battle, such as trying to use items that can not be used easily, not attacking easily.

Matisse is also surprised to say "Whoa!"

After the battle was finished, miraculously saving was done whether many wishes of the players passed.

TwitchPlaysPokemon seems to be continued until clearing the game, but it is where the players are concerned whether players can clear their power and clear.

in Video,   Game,   Pick Up, Posted by darkhorse_log