SoftBank Mobile, the latest model Yahoo! Prohibition of auction exhibition

Yahoo! is the latest model of mobile phones released by SOFTBANK MOBILE Selling to the auction was banned regardless of new or used items.

This is to prevent illegal acquisition of mobile phone terminals.

Details are as below.
About the handling of exhibition of a specific mobile phone

According to this page, in response to the fact that there are users selling illegally acquired terminals in the auction, such as by passing through forged documents confirming the identity verification performed at the time of a new contract of the mobile phone terminal, Yahoo! The auction seems to prohibit listing the latest models (including Disney · Mobile) of mobile phone terminals released by SOFTBANK MOBILE for 6 months from the release date of the model.

According to the following press release, SOFTBANK MOBILE, in addition to the request to the auction site, suspended the use of cell phone lines illegally acquired, canceled the contract, service We will restrict use of.

Fraudulent Acquisition of Mobile Phones and Efforts on Unfair Contracts | SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp.

Do other telecommunications companies such as NTT DoCoMo and au take similar measures?

in Note,   Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log