Does NTT DoCoMo restrict phone calls and packet communications illegally obtained from mobile phones, also affects second-hand mobile phones?

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Announced that NTT DoCoMo will implement a new initiative on cell phone calls and packet communications illegally acquired.

There seems to be a possibility that obstacles may arise such as the use of some mobile phones sold in second place.

Details are as below.
Press Release Presentation: About Efforts to Obtain Misappropriation of Cellular Phones | Notice | NTT DoCoMo

According to this release, NTT docomo seems to start a new approach to mobile phone terminals illegally acquired by theft, the forgery of identity confirmation documents at the time of contract, etc. from Thursday, October 1, 2009.

This is because some of illegally acquired mobile phone terminals are circulating in the market, and when it becomes clear that illegal acquisition of mobile phone terminal by theft, identity confirmation documents etc. is made, docomo shops etc. According to the declaration of, it seems that the use of voice communication and packet communication may be restricted.

How does this restrict usage?

NTT DoCoMo plans to provide a tool that allows users to confirm whether or not they are targeted for restriction on the official website, assuming that users acquire mobile phone terminals at second-hand dealers and net auctions I am doing.

in Note,   Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log