For monthly charge of 4580 yen, data communication and calling are also fixed amount, eMobile announces "campaign fixed amount free campaign" showed serious
E-mobile2011 summer model recitalIn the monthly charge of 4580 yen data communication and call can be used at a fixed amount "Call flat rate free campaignWe announced.
Of course, tethering usage fee is included, and it is exactly the campaign that e-Mobile's "serious" is transmitted.
Details are as below.
Newly introduced 'Call flat-rate free campaign'
"Fixed flat rate option (monthly charge 1400 yen)" which will be fixed up to 300 times a month for calls to mobile phones, PHS, fixed phone for 10 minutes will be free, basic monthly fee including data communication fee will be 4580 yen It is a smartphone campaign. The acceptance period is from July 1st to September 30th, it is for users who purchased EMOBILE voice terminals, signed a "Smart Plan", and applied for "Call Fixed Price Option".
The "High-speed mobile campaignTogether with this, data communication users and smartphone users are also included.
Campaign information can be checked from the following link.
E-Mobile official website
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