I tried to eat 9 items of "MEGA series" circle K Sunkus

I bought 9 items of "MEGA series" of Circle K Sunkus which became a new release from today. There are various kinds from lunch boxes and rice balls to breads, but are they suitable for the name of MEGA?

Details are as follows.
(PDF file) "MEGA series" products full of "surprise" and "WAKU WAKU" feel good!
October 30, 2007 (Tue) - Circle K / Sunkus nationwide

Maybe the main lunch box, a triple rice bowl. Menkatsu, hamburger steaks and cutlet eggs are on the table and it seems that children are delighted.

1447 kcal


Ground Meat Cutlet

And part of pork cutlet

Soy sauce with sauce and salt

971 kcal

Cutlet and cutlet are on top

Cheese Chili Potato

703 kcal

It is not ketchup but chili sauce

BLJ Burger. BLJ is not an abbreviation, such as bacon · lettuce ... it stands for BigLargeJumbo.

622 kcal

There is considerable height

The upper row is lettuce, bacon, fried egg.

Cheese and hamburger steak in the lower stage

Inagari sushi comes in three pieces of ginger noodles, wasabari inari, and fifth grade.

600 kcal

Gully was a normal size

Big rice ball

549 kcal

About 17 cm on a side

When you peeled off the rice, four small rice balls were united

Triple cut sheet. Three types of chicken cutlets, main cutlets, and loin cutlets.

560 kcal

When ordered on a dish it looks ordinary

Mega boronia sausage roll

470 kcal

Length 22 cm

Long Pie Board

438 kcal

Length 27 cm


Triple bowl of rice: Katsu-don part is the same taste as ordinary selling. Hamburger rice bowl was also pretty good. However, only Menchikatsu is severe ... It does not match with a little rice.

W Soba noodle: Both sauced buckwheat noodles and salt-roasted soba are lined with pasa pasta, cutlets are also lacking in moisture at all. Clearly I did not need this.

Cheese Chili Potato: Chilli sauce is not so painful. Potatoes are crisp but good compatibility with cheese and chili sauce makes the total good.

BLJ Burger: Because there are many ingredients and bread has volume, it is hard to eat. Furthermore, the bread is moosamosa, so it is not enough water.

Ibarune sushi: Juicy and delicious. All three are big and satisfied.

Big rice ball: It is huge, hard to eat, and not so tasty.

Triple Catsando: The meat seems to be tightly packed, but if it is about this sandwich, it seems to be a bakery's dish.

Mega boronia sausage roll: It was an ordinary bread. Even on the shelves at convenience stores it was not that noticeable.

Long Pie Board: It is sweet and tasty.

Of course, all the staff were delicious.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt