FINAL FANTASY VII potion character cans all 16 types Completed

A month agoI received a potion of "FINAL FANTASY VII", so I tried drinking itAs a matter of fact, I tried to buy all kinds of character cans because all 16 types were released. It is spectacular to see it side by side. Of course, everything is the same. There is no problem if physical strength somewhat decreases if there is only this.

Details are as follows.

Contents is like this. FFXII potion was a refreshing drink with herbs, FFVII potion that arrived the other day was also refreshing drink including royal jelly, but this time it is carbonated drink.

FFVII seems to be the 10th anniversary.

Cloud Strife

Cloud Strife 2nd.

Tifa Lockhart

Tifa Lockhart 2nd.

Sachs Fair

The second Sachs Fair.

Yuffy · Kisaragi

Yuffy · Kisaragi 2nd eyes. There are two kinds of cans for the above four people.

Aerith · Gainsborough


Barrett Wallace

Marin · Wallace next to Barrett

Rufus Shinran, Rude

Reno beside that.

Vincent Valentine

Sid · High Wind


Beside Angile Hewley


Ket-sea as it gets to Red

I poured it into a glass. I thought that it was blue and it was yellow.Ultima Online Heal PotionThen it is yellow.

I looked in from the top. A color that I have seen somewhere.

When I tried drinking it was completely different from the previous potion. It was a taste that I did not think it was delicious a lot before, but this thing is something I can drink normally. Feeling like real thin gold thin. I think that physical fitness has recovered somehow due to mind. It might be a good idea to buy one of your favorite characters.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt