Code that causes Internet Explorer to crash on a single line appeared

It seems that we found a code that makes a browser of Internet Explorer or Internet Explorer component crash brilliantly. Moreover, the code is a line.

According to the discoverer, "Firefox or Opera lovers will spend a lot of this and think I can lower the share of IE more and more !!!" It looks like a terrible code.

Details are as follows.
I am town! (Hatena) - A line to shoot down IE brilliantly

According to this article, if you are using the component browser of Internet Explorer 6 or Internet Explorer 6, it seems that it crashes as soon as opening the following code. Although it is said to be unconfirmed in Internet Explorer 7, when I confirmed it in the editorial department, it did not crash.

By the way, the reason why it crashes is that "input or select is right under table or tr, and if position: relative is hit by the generic selector of css around that, it is useless!

There are samples on the following links. Do not click on those who are in trouble if the browser ends.

Sample (IE will end your browser! Be careful!)

in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log