I tried sprinkling carbonated sports drink "Sportan X"

beforeCarbonated sports drink "NaHCO 3"Suntory who issued "Sportan X" which was released on July 31 only for Lawson this year. I feel like I'm feeling somewhat like drinks that combine sports drinks and carbonated drinks, but I tried drinking terribly.

Details are as below.
"It's coldness refreshing drink that instantly releases summer's body." When it gets drunk, it seems to be outrageous.

What a cooling agent blended. Suntory "Cooling waterIt was also included in the formulation.

Injection into the cup. Translucent liquid color like Pocari Sweat and Aquarius.

When I drank it with courage, the taste itself is a taste just like sports drink and carbonated. However, carbonic acid is considerably intense and it is painful to drink at a stroke when thirsty. The difference from the carbonated sports drink "NaHCO 3" previously sold is exhausted as a "cooling agent". Cooling agent is the cooling component and it seems to have been soaked from the throat to the chest as if putting a poultice inside the body. Those who are not good at throat candy and mint dishes are safe to avoid, but it seems good for those who want to try unusual new items or just want a taste of refreshing sensation anyway.

Details of "Sportan X" are as follows.

Lawson Limited! It is! We will release 3 original drinks!

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log