Nissin releases "Chicken Ramen Twins" with two cookies with transparent lid

Chicken noodles with transparent lid with two meals, Nissin with easy to eat with a cup "Chicken Ramen TwinsFrom Monday, August 6, it seems to be released only at convenience stores nationwide. The price is 189 yen by tax.

It is easier than ever, and it is a chicken noodle that can be eaten fun.

Details are as follows.
- Chicken noodles became easier and more fun -
Instant bag with cup
"Nissin Chicken Ramen Twins"
Information on new release

According to this release "Chicken Ramen Twins" released this time, 2 cups of chicken ramen comes with 2 cups and 2 lids and I want to eat chicken noodles, but when I think that bowling is a trouble to use , It seems that it was developed so that you can easily eat chicken noodles.

Also, by adopting a transparent lid, you can see how the white body gradually solidifies white, when you put in eggs, you can taste the fun to make.

If you are willing to wash bowls, a cup-shaped type of chicken noodles "Chicken noodles bowlAlthough I feel like I should buy a transparent lid, because I can adjust the hardness of white eggs in peeling off, I buy two chicken ramen bowls because I am taxed 189 yen for two meals included It might be better to be cheaper than that.

in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log