"The Time Fountain" that creates water droplets reversing the time axis

Let's start with the movie of the site below. From top to bottom You can see that colorful water drops are coming down from mysterious devices. When protruding a stick from the side, it certainly hits a water droplet. Of course in real time. However, it is slowly slow. It is strange.

Even more strangely, the time axis reversed in real time as it is and the water droplets that were supposed to have fallen down will start to reverse upwards. Contact with this water droplet is also possible in real time. In other words, the time axis can be reversed only in this device, or the time can be moved slowly.

When you actually watch the movie, it is supposed that you do not know what is going on. Of course it does not really rewind time or move slowly ....
Creations.net - Creation The Time Fountain

The way it is structured is that it is repeating strobe flash at high speed.

Of course it is not bullshit, of course, very regularly. Since water droplets can be seen only while the strobe is hit, if water droplets fall at regular intervals, show the moment you want to show by hitting the strobe for only a moment, according to the timing, for a very short time By adjusting this timing, you can make it appear to fall off slowly or to go in the opposite direction.

Although the mechanism itself is simple, it is wonderful to really make up this mechanism that is more difficult than imagined. It will be interesting if you make a large size of this device.

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log