Completing cheap gum when it divides the 52 cm long gum into 52 equal parts

This long gum is also 52 cm. It was 105 yen (tax included) with 1 piece. That means that if you cut it by 1 cm, that is to say the size of a gum that you generally sell, 52 pieces will be completed, and a gum of superior cheapness of about 2 yen per piece should be completed!

So I tried to cut it.
It looks like a fluorescent light. Fresh grape taste.

It is written as 52 cm perfectly

I tried out it from the box.

The middle is dented

Well, I will cut it.

It seems like a dink

Long-term jacquard

It is somehow a surreal figure

I made a lot

Although it is hard at first at bite, it gets softer and becomes smaller in the blink of an eye. It seems to be good to eat at this size. Even if you make a mistake, putting one whole in your mouth greedily makes it hard.

Even so, it's gum with high cost performance ....

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log