What is the strongest adhesive for bonding PETG to PETG?

There are many types of adhesives, and the appropriate adhesive varies depending on the material of the object to be bonded. DIY YouTuber
Der ULTIMATIVE PETG-Klebetest (Absoluter Testsieger identifiziert!) Cosmas Bauer - YouTube
PETG is a material developed based on polyethylene terephthalate (PET), the material used in plastic bottles. It is widely used as a material for 3D printer filament because of its excellent impact resistance and resistance to warping.

Cosel experimented with wood glue, hot melt glue, plastic glue, and more to find the best adhesive for bonding the PETG pieces together.

In addition, a PETG plate for adhesive testing is printed using a 3D printer.

The board is completed.

Attach the boards together with glue.
Boards attached with various adhesives.

Hold both ends of the board in place and pull the boards apart.

The pulling force is gradually increased and the force at the moment the boards separate is recorded.

Force measurements are performed three times for each adhesive and the average value is calculated.

Depending on the adhesive, the glued parts might stay stuck together while the boards break into pieces.

The measurement results are as follows. The vertical axis shows the amount of force required to separate the boards, with a cloud symbol indicating 'strong-smelling adhesive,' a star symbol indicating 'board breakage,' and a lightning symbol indicating 'large variation in measurement values.' The adhesive with the weakest adhesive strength was '

However, Cosel found the Vebatec MMA 5 too expensive per ml, so he recommended

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in Video, Posted by log1o_hf