The keyboard app 'Simeji' is equipped with a function to warn against illegal part-time work, and can detect input such as 'white jobs' and alert users.

It has been reported that the perpetrators of '

dark part-time jobs ' search for words such as 'white jobs' and 'high-paying jobs' on social media and access job information that leads to dark part-time jobs. The keyboard app 'Simeji' has a function that displays a warning when dangerous words are entered to prevent contact with dark part-time job offers, so I actually tried using it.

Simeji is available for iOS and Android . This time, we will use the iOS version. First, open the Simeji distribution page on the App Store and tap 'Get'.
Simeji distribution page

Once the installation is complete, tap 'Open' to launch Simeji.

Start Simeji

After launching Simeji, tap 'Go to System Settings' to use it as a keyboard.

Simeji initial startup screen

Tap 'Go to System Settings' again.

Tap 'Go to system settings'

When the settings screen opens, tap 'Keyboard.'

Settings screen

Tap the toggle switch to the right of 'Simeji' to enable it.

Enable Simeji

Next, tap the toggle switch to the right of 'Allow full access.'

'Allow full access'

Tap 'Allow'.

'Allow full access'

Once the two toggle switches turn green, you're ready to use Simeji.

Simeji is now ready to use

As an example, when I typed in 'white exploration' on X's search screen, the message 'There has been an increase in cases of people getting involved in shady part-time jobs. Please be careful' appeared at the top of the conversion suggestions.
Simeji's Dark Job Warning

Other words that will trigger a warning include 'science bait,' 'final victory,' 'healthy present,' and 'instant death.'

Simeji's Dark Job Warning

In the video below you can see the warning in action.

Keyboard app 'Simeji' dark byte countermeasure function - YouTube

in Review,   Mobile,   Software,   Video, Posted by log1o_hf