Timeline is not updated when an authentication error occurs in a third-party Twitter app

As of 14:00 on January 13, 2023, an authentication error has occurred in some third-party Twitter apps, and there is a problem that timelines cannot be updated.

Third-party Twitter apps that cannot be used include

feather , tweetbot , Twitama , and TwitPane . Twitter will display the error message 'could not authenticate you'.

Each service reports a problem all at once. Feather tweeted, 'Please wait and see for a while.'

Tweetbot tweeted, ``We hope this is a temporary glitch, but will let you know as soon as we know more.''

TwitPane reported, 'We are currently inquiring with Twitter.'

Others, such as Tweetlogix , ecofon , Tween , and Janetter , have also been reported to not work.

In addition, TwitPane developer Hiroaki Takeuchi has released a Google spreadsheet that summarizes whether the application can be used.

in Web Service, Posted by log1p_kr