Twitter will end the free provision of API, will it affect account linkage etc.

Twitter has announced that it plans to end the free provision of 'Twitter API v2' and 'Twitter API v1.1'.

According to a tweet from Twitter Dev ( @TwitterDev ), free use of the API will no longer be supported on Thursday, February 9, 2023, and instead it will be possible to use it for a fee. It is not specified whether the date is notation of Eastern Standard Time in the United States, and the time is also unknown, but if the deadline is 0:00 on February 9th in Eastern Standard Time, it means that it is 14:00 on February 9th in Japan time. will be

Twitter suddenly closed out third-party apps on January 13, 2023, and then officially revised the developer agreement to clarify its policy not to allow third-party apps.

Official announcement that Twitter will not allow any third-party apps - GIGAZINE

For this reason, the confusion that 'the Twitter client cannot

be used after the provision of the free API ends' will no longer occur. You may not be able to log in to

To find out which service your Twitter account is linked to, click 'See more' in the browser version.

Click 'Settings and Support' to open the menu below, then click 'Settings and Privacy'.

Click 'Security and Account Access' in the center column and click 'Linked Accounts' displayed in the right column.

A list of linked services will be displayed. Cancel the linkage as necessary.

Since the free API will be discontinued, it is expected that services using paid API will continue to be available without problems. Details on this matter will be announced next week.

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt