I tried McDonald's 'Grim Shake,' which has the fruity sweet and sour taste of blueberries

On Wednesday, October 30, 2024, just before Halloween, a new flavor of McShake, 'Grimas Shake Blueberry Yogurt Flavor ,' inspired by McDonald's popular character 'Grimas,' was released. I was interested in the limited-time flavor of McShake, which is finished in the color of Grimas with blueberries, so I actually went to McDonald's to try it.
'Grimous Shake Blueberry Yogurt Flavor' will be available for a limited time from Wednesday, October 30th! | McDonald's Official
The 'Grimus Shake' that has been a big hit in the US has been reborn and will be available for the first time in Japan as 'Grimus Shake Blueberry Yogurt Flavor' for a limited time from Wednesday, October 30th | McDonald's Official
Finally released today, Wednesday, October 30th!
— McDonald's (@McDonaldsJapan) October 30, 2024
Grimace Shake!
The true identity of purple is...
Grimace flavor!
Blueberry yogurt flavor!
It's delicious! Try it! #GrimousShakepic.twitter.com /ov2bvn09iE
'Grimous Shake' was being promoted on displays in front of the store.

I immediately ordered a medium-sized 'Grimous Shake.' When I opened the lid, I saw a Halloween-themed purple drink.

When I took a sip, I felt that the refreshing flavor of the yogurt enhanced the aroma and sweetness of the blueberries. Although it is not particularly sweet, it has a refreshing fruity taste, so even our editorial staff, who are not very fond of the sharp sweetness of regular flavors such as vanilla and strawberry, were able to drink it easily, making it a Mac Shake that will make everyone from children to adults feel like they are having a Halloween party.

The 'Grimas Shake Blueberry Yogurt Flavor' can be ordered at McDonald's nationwide from Wednesday, October 30, 2024 to late November, with the price being 170 yen (tax included) for the small size and 240 yen (tax included) for the medium size, and can also be selected as a set drink. Also, on the same day, ' Chiki Chicken THE Garlic Pepper ', which was renamed from 'Mack THE Chicken' that appeared in 2022, was also reprinted for 270 yen (tax included).
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