Hugging Face surpasses 1 million downloadable AI models

The AI platform

Hugging Face has released many AI models, including Meta's ' Llama ' and Google's ' Gemma 2 '. It has been reported that the number of AI models available for download on Hugging Face has exceeded one million as of September 2024.

Hub Stats - a Hugging Face Space by cfahlgren1

At the start of the survey in March 2022, the number of AI models available for download on Hugging Face was increasing slowly, but since 2023, the number has increased exponentially. As of September 1, 2024, 1,193,810 AI models have been made public.

Below is

a list of AI models available for download on Hugging Face. Various companies, including Meta, NVIDIA, and Microsoft, distribute their own AI models.

Many datasets used for AI training are also being created, from 670 in April 2022 to more than 17,000 datasets by September 2024.

Below is a graph showing the number of '

Spaces ', a demo that uses machine learning. It reached a peak of 22,227 in August 2023, but then dropped sharply. However, the number is gradually increasing again, and as of September 2024, 17,291 Spaces have been released.

Below is a graph showing the uses of AI models downloaded between the end of August and September 26, 2024. ' Fill-Mask ,' which predicts input words, and 'Audio-classification ,' which classifies audio, account for roughly a quarter of the total.

In addition, when dividing the AI models downloaded in the past 30 days by the neural network architecture used in their development, it became clear that Google's

Transformer accounted for more than three-quarters of the total.

In addition, Hugging Face reported on August 20, 2024 that the number of users had exceeded 5 million.

in Software,   Web Service, Posted by log1r_ut