'UnTyping', a typing game for engineers that measures code typing ability, has been released, with four courses: 'JavaScript', 'TypeScript', 'React', and 'Python'

A game called ' UnTyping ' has been released, where you write code by typing continuously for 120 seconds. Anyone can play it for free from the URL below.

UnTyping - Programming typing game for engineers


When you access the URL, the courses will be displayed as shown below. There are four courses: ' JavaScript ', ' TypeScript ', ' React ', and ' Python '. Click on 'JavaScript' to try it out.

Press the space bar or enter key to start the game.

You can check out the gameplay video below. Note that the player has no programming experience.

A person with no programming experience tries out the typing game 'UnTyping' for engineers - YouTube

When the game starts, the code will be displayed as shown below, so type it in.

You have 15 seconds to type each code. If you can type them all within 15 seconds, your score will be added.

If you don't finish typing within 15 seconds, your score will be 0 and you will move on to the next question.

The goal of the game is to repeat this process and get as many points as possible before 120 seconds have passed.

After the game is over, your score will be displayed. According to

creator Nobuyuki Nishikawa, 2000 points or more is the average level for a working adult, 3000 points or more is the average engineer's level, 4000 points or more is the average for a fast typist, 5000 points or more is the average for a very fast typist, 6000 points or more is the average for someone who rarely gets over 20,000 points in Sushi-uchi , 7000 points or more is the average for someone who is very fast typist, and 8000 points or more is the uncharted territory that no one has ever reached yet.

You can save your score by clicking 'Log in and record your score.'

The only way to log in is via Google account.

Select your account.

Click “Next”.

Enter your name and click 'Register.'

You will now be able to check your records from 'My Page'.

You can also check the 'World Ranking' and compete with people from all over the world.

in Review,   Web Application,   Game, Posted by log1p_kr