Unicode version 16.0 released with new emojis, 'faces with bags under the eyes,' 'hieroglyphs,' 'addition of arrows,' 'addition of information on the Japanese character information infrastructure,' and much more

Version 16.0 of the Unicode standard has been released, adding 3,995 new hieroglyphs and seven new emojis, bringing the total number of characters defined in the Unicode standard to 154,998.

The Unicode Blog: Announcing The Unicode® Standard, Version 16.0

Unicode 16.0 adds a total of 5,185 characters , including hieroglyphs, arrows, and the Garaic script used in West Africa.

The newly added (PDF file) arrows are on a yellow background.

Below are some of the added hieroglyphs (PDF file) .

Nearly 700 (PDF file) characters used on older computers have also been added.

Seven new emojis have been added: a face with bags under the eyes, a fingerprint, a leafless tree, a root vegetable, a harp, a shovel, and a splatter.

In addition to the new characters, source references to the Character Information Infrastructure have been added for the CJK Unified Ideographs . The Character Information Infrastructure is a compilation of approximately 60,000 kanji characters used in government administration, such as for personal names, led by the Information-Technology Promotion Agency, Japan.

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