Discord limits file size for free users to 10MB

Discord allows you to send files in a variety of formats, including image files and video files. At the time of writing, free users can send files up to 25MB, but it has become clear that the file size limit for free users will be reduced to 10MB in the future.

What are Nitro & Nitro Basic? – Discord


Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive” - Dexerto

Discord allows free users to send files up to 25MB. If you send a file larger than 25MB, the following warning message will appear and the file transfer will be rejected.

Discord's official support page has been updated to announce that the file size limit for free users will be lowered to 10MB. The relevant part of the support page is as follows. '99% of users exchange files less than 10MB,' and 'We decided to lower the file size limit for free users in order to maintain the service without compromising the quality of storage.'

Users can increase the file size limit by subscribing to a paid plan. The file size limit varies depending on the plan, with 'Nitro Basic' (350 yen/month) allowing users to send files up to 50MB, and 'Nitro' (1,050 yen/month) allowing users to send files up to 500MB.

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• Discord | 'Do you use Discord's file transfer function? Approximately how many MB of files do you send?' | GIGAZINE

in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf