OpenAI, Amazon, Microsoft and other major IT companies support bill to require labeling of AI-generated content

As AI technology develops rapidly, AI-related laws are being developed around the world. Several AI regulation bills are being discussed in California, and a lobbying group including OpenAI and Microsoft has expressed its intention to support a bill that would require content generated by generative AI to be labeled.
Bill Text - AB-3211 California Digital Content Provenance Standards.
OpenAI supports California AI bill requiring 'watermarking' of synthetic content | Reuters
OpenAI, Adobe and Microsoft support California bill requiring watermarks on AI content | TechCrunch
The bill being debated in California, AB 3211, would require developers of generative AI to 'label the content output by generative AI.' The March 21, 2024 version of the bill, when it began to be debated, included a provision requiring developers to 'notify the California Department of Technology within 24 hours of discovering a vulnerability in their labeling system.'

On April 9, 2024,

Furthermore, the August 22, 2024 version removed the provision regarding vulnerability notification altogether.

In light of these changes, the BSA has changed its policy to support AB 3211. According to Reuters, Jason Kwon, chief strategy officer at OpenAI, expressed support for the bill in a letter to the authors of AB 3211, stating that 'new technologies and norms will help people understand the origins of the content they find online and distinguish between human-created and AI-created content.'
AB 3211 passed the California Assembly by a vote of 62-0 and will now move on to the State Senate for consideration.
In addition, California is also debating SB 1047, a bill that would require AI developers to conduct safety testing. OpenAI remains negative about SB 1047, and Kwon has reportedly sent a letter to the state stating, 'AI is strengthening California's economic power. SB 1047 will threaten California's economic growth, slow innovation, and lead to the departure of some of the world's best engineers and entrepreneurs from California.'
On the other hand, Elon Musk, who has long beenvocal about his dissatisfaction with California, is in favor of SB 1047, stating on August 27, 2024 that 'all things considered, SB 1047 should pass' and 'I have been advocating for AI regulation for over 20 years.'
This is a tough call and will make some people upset, but, all things considered, I think California should probably pass the SB 1047 AI safety bill.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 26, 2024
For over 20 years, I have been an advocate for AI regulation, just as we regulate any product/technology that is a potential risk…
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