Elon Musk says 'We can realize fully autonomous driving technology within 2020.'
Over the 11 days from July 9, 2020 being held in Shanghai, China World Artificial Intelligence Conference (world artificial intelligence tournament, WAIC) at the opening ceremony of the, of Tesla Elon Musk achievement of the CEO is 'fully automatic operation is imminent ].
Tesla'very close' to level 5 autonomous driving technology, Musk says-Reuters
Elon Musk Says Tesla (TSLA)'Very Close' to Fully Autonomous Cars-Bloomberg
``I'm confident that the basic mechanism for Level 5 autonomous driving will be completed by the end of 2020,'' said Mask CEO, who appeared on the video at the WAIC opening ceremony on July 9, 2020. Therefore, it seems that the fundamental problem no longer exists.The remaining problem is that there are many small problems remaining, and after solving the small problems, the whole system is put together, and after the completion, it is constantly corrected. That's it.'
The level of self-driving refers to the technical degree of self-driving defined by the American Association of Automobile Engineers. Level 0 is no driving automation, Level 1 is driving assistance such as automatic braking and cruise control, Level 2 is driving assistance under specific conditions such as highways, Level 3 is conditional automatic driving that the driver operates only in an emergency, Level 4 is automatic driving with the driver on board. And level 5 refers to 'fully automatic operation' in which the system always operates.
About automatic driving level classification-Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
(PDF file) https://www.mlit.go.jp/common/001226541.pdf
Tesla is a company that has been continuously engaged in research and development of autonomous driving systems. In 2015, the ' Model S ' equipped with Level 2 autonomous driving was released, and in 2019, an update for Tesla vehicles that implemented part of fully autonomous driving was distributed . A further update was distributed in April 2020, adding the ability to automatically brake at traffic lights and stop signs.
Tesla's automatic driving system evolved to apply automatic braking with signals and stop signs-GIGAZINE
by Joe Nuxoll
In addition to realizing Level 5 autonomous driving, Musk CEO said in a video appearance, 'The unique engineering technology that supports Tesla's technology is an important aspect of operation in China, and we are building a new factory near Shanghai. I support it.' After the announcement of CEO Musk, Tesla's stock price rose 3.1% to reach $1408.56 (about 150,800 yen).
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