AI technology ethics group points out that OpenAI's AI development should be stopped by the Federal Trade Commission, claiming that `` generative AI is a weapon that threatens public safety ''

``ChatGPT and other AI text generation tools deployed by OpenAI are biased, deceptive, and pose public safety risks,'' said a tech ethics group on artificial intelligence (AI). On March 30, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States was asked to investigate. In the request letter, he even expresses that ``OpenAI is spreading conventional and

non-conventional weapons '' regarding cybersecurity.

(PDF file)The Center for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Policy (CAIDP)|In the matter of OpenAI, Inc.

FTC should stop OpenAI from launching new GPT models, says AI policy group - The Verge

OpenAI may have to halt ChatGPT releases following FTC complaint | Engadget

GPT-4 poses too many risks and releases should be halted, AI group tells FTC | Ars Technica

In March 2023, the Future of Life Institute, a non-profit organization that promotes the responsible and ethical development of artificial intelligence, said, 'As the wave of AI development continues, it risks posing serious risks to society, GPT-4. There is a clear lack of corporate and regulatory protections against generative AI development like ChatGPT and ChatGPT,' and called for an immediate suspension of development of AI beyond GPT-4 for at least six months. issued a letter. The letter includes celebrities and computer scientists such as Elon Musk, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Skype co-founder Jaan Tarin and Pinterest co-founder Evan Sharp. More than 1,000 people have signed, including

More than 1,300 people, including Earon Mask and Steve Wozniak, signed an open letter asking all engineers to stop the immediate development of AI beyond GPT-4 for 6 months due to the fear of ``loss of control'' - GIGAZINE

In response to this open letter, the Center for AI and Digital Policy ( CAIDP ) submitted a letter to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission on March 30, 2023, asking it to delay the development of generative AI models and implement stricter government oversight. Did.

The CAIDP opinion points out the potential threat of OpenAI's GPT-4 announced in mid-March 2023. Specifically, in addition to the possibility that GPT-4 will generate malicious code, it will transmit highly customized propaganda, and biased training data will lead to stereotyped views in recruitment, etc. In addition to concerns about the possibility of unfair preferential treatment for specific races and genders, ChatGPT has a bug that allows you to see other people's chat history There are also problems with privacy, such as troubles that people have entered without permission . CAIDP claims that ``OpenAI is fully aware of these risks and has released GPT-4 for commercial use.''

ChatGPT has a bug that other people's chat history can be seen, ChatGPT is temporarily down to fix the bug & chat history remains unavailable - GIGAZINE

Ilya Satsukivar, one of the founding members of OpenAI, said, ``It will be very easy to use generative AI models to cause great damage to others.'' GPT-4 As the dataset and training method used for construction are not disclosed , OpenAI is also wary of potential threats from AI text generation, and on March 23, 2023, tools and services such as ChatGPT will be released. We have revised our Terms of Use to be clearer and more specific than before. However, CAIDP argued that OpenAI's efforts were lacking, and that ``GPT-4's consumer damage has crossed the line and regulatory action should be taken,'' and ``unfair and deceptive trading methods should be taken.'' We are seeking to pursue OpenAI's responsibility for violating Article 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act, which stipulates that it is prohibited. Here, the content of 'deception' is defined as 'a phenomenon in which an AI model confidently fabricates facts that do not exist'.

As a result, CAIDP is requesting the FTC to suspend further commercial deployment of the GPT model and to conduct an independent evaluation of the GPT model. It also calls for the establishment of publicly accessible generative AI reporting tools, as well as the ability for consumers to file fraud complaints. Furthermore, given that the FTC's current research and evaluation of AI tools is still relatively informal, CAIDP argues that the FTC needs to make clear rules on generative AI. I'm here.

It is unknown at the time of writing whether the FTC will comply with CAIDP's request, but FTC Chairman Lina Khan said at a joint event with the Department of Justice, ``Regarding the development of AI tools, existing major high-tech companies are trying to eliminate competition. We are looking for signs to do so, ”he said, and the FTC is believed to be interested in regulating AI tools. As such, the CAIDP letter could significantly escalate the FTC's efforts on AI tools, and if the FTC takes any action, it could impact the rapidly advancing pace of AI development. It's getting higher.

in Web Service, Posted by log1e_dh