Vice President Kamala Harris' supporters hold Zoom rally with hundreds of thousands of participants to raise more than 1 billion yen

Following President Joe Biden's withdrawal from the election campaign , Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to be officially nominated as the Democratic candidate for the 2024 presidential election. In the United States, people who support Harris have already held rallies, and it has been reported that hundreds of thousands of people have participated in online rallies using Zoom, raising more than 1 billion yen in donations.

Zoom is the new political rally

Win With Black Women: How Kamala Harris' campaign revived Zoom calls.

Here's an example of a large-scale Zoom rally in support of Harris: Win With Black Women , an organization that aims to advance the status of black women, held a Zoom rally on Sunday, July 21, 2024, and succeeded in raising $1.5 million (about 210 million yen) in support of Harris in three hours.

The next day, Win With Black Men , an organization that aims to improve the status of black men, also held a Zoom rally in support of Harris, attracting 232,000 participants in four hours and securing $1.3 million (approximately 190 million yen).

On Thursday, July 25, 2024, activist Shannon Watts held a rally in support of Harris titled ' White Women: Answer the Call 2024 ' on Zoom, which attracted approximately 200,000 participants and raised more than $8.5 million (approximately 1.2 billion yen).

According to Yotaka Edie, founder of Win With Black Women, the group used to hold Zoom rallies with 300 to 1,000 people every Sunday, but on Sunday, July 21, 2024, an unexpected number of people gathered on the waiting page for the online rally, partly due to Biden's thorough declaration. However, the Zoom plan to which the group subscribed limited the number of people who could participate in the rally to a maximum of 3,000. Therefore, the group's technical staff contacted Zoom's upper management through 'members of the group who work at Zoom' to negotiate a relaxation of the limit on the number of people who could participate in the rally. As a result, the limit on the number of people who could participate was repeatedly relaxed during the rally, and it eventually became a large-scale rally with about 50,000 people participating.

In addition, before White Women: Answer the Call 2024 was held, discussions were held with Zoom regarding 'setting a limit for online meetings that can accommodate up to 100,000 people.' Although Zoom responded that 'up to 100,000 people can participate in online meetings with a corporate account,' there was clear anxiety in the response. White Women: Answer the Call 2024 attracted approximately 99,000 participants about 10 minutes after the start, at which point Zoom reportedly froze. The meeting management team had prepared a YouTube live stream that mirrored the content of the Zoom meeting, and by moving participants to this YouTube live stream, they were able to handle a total of 200,000 participants.

Harris opened a TikTok account after announcing her candidacy, and gained over 670,000 followers in just four hours, with 4.1 million followers at the time of writing. Her rival, former President Donald Trump, also opened a TikTok account , and at the time of writing, had 9.5 million followers, far more than Harris.

US Vice President Kamala Harris opens TikTok account, gains over 670,000 followers in just 4 hours - GIGAZINE

by Prachatai

in Web Service, Posted by log1o_hf