Google employees gathered at headquarters in protest against President Trump 's immigration & Islamic policy

President Trump against the suspension of accepting refugees from Syria and signing the Presidential Decree to suspend immigration from the country where Muslims are majoritySilicon Valley companies are reluctantly postureI am showing you. At Google, employees strike at eight offices and people at headquarters criticizing policies gathered.

According to Mr. Bri Connelly's tweets, employees and their families are involved in protests being held at Google headquarters in Mountain View, California, with a minimum of 187 people. The following picture is the figure of people gathered in protest, but it is unknown whether people other than Google participate.

Catherine Hicks tweets "This is work today".

Googlers stage a walkout to protest Trump's immigration ban

Anti-Trump protesters gather at Google headquarters

The protest is 2000 people scale. Google has not made official comments on this rally but according to the information Engadget got, it is a policy to support employees' meetings.

We already have an immigration law information center dealing with immigration problems with Google for 2 million dollars (about 227 million yen), employees from up to 2 million dollars, a total of 4 million dollars (about 455 million yen) I am making a decision to donate to the International Relief Commission, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the American Human Rights Association (ACLU).

Exclusive: Google creates $ 4 million crisis fund for immigration cause

in Video, Posted by logc_nt