Google received sexual harassment related strike from employees Google announces policy change, including transparency enhancement

In response to Google's reaction to the sexual harassment problem, employees of the company voiced a worldwide massive strike on November 1, 2018. In response, the company's Thunder Pichai CEO delivered an explanation about improving the transparency of the company by company-wide e-mail, and its contents were released on the blog.
A note to our employees

The beginning of the problem was an employee's protest against the fact that former senior Google executives paid a $ 90 million retirement allowance when leaving for sexual harassment. Employees raising placards of "Not Ok Google" with "Ok Google" evolved into a situation where offices in California, as well as offices in New York, Tokyo, Singapore, London, etc., will leave the workplace shortly was doing.
Google, large-scale protests around the world Retired from leaving sex harah Retirement fee 10 billion yen - Sankei news

In response to this, Pichai CEO announces measures to improve internal transparency in company mail. On Twitter "Google has been driven by the stories he heard from Googler over the past two weeks, to provide better support for employees and to provide better support for employees to act according to the higher goals imposed on them I have to take action to create an environment where I can do my work "is tweeted with a link to the blog with a comment.
Over the past two weeks we've heard from Googlers. It's clear that to live up to the high bar we've heard from the high bar we set to our high bar, we need to take action to better support our employees and empower them to do their best work.
- Google Communications (@Google_Comms) November 8, 2018
Mr. Pichaai in the blog said, "We have recognized that we have not always done the right things so far and I am very sorry about that," he says, "It is clear that it is necessary to change," he said. We apologized for the past circumstances that we could not respond properly and we are declaring our response.
In the future, Google announces that if there is hope from among employees when a problem occurs, arbitration system for settlement will be one of the options. Here, it is said that the parties are not obliged to keep confidentiality, and efforts to prevent projects from being resolved in an uncertain form such as so-called "trash cancellation" are included. It also stipulates that it improves the reporting process on the problem and strengthens the victim's mental care and career support.
Regarding the sexual harassment report, we will be disclosing the number of reports that were proved in the annual survey report. In addition, all employees are obliged to educate the sexual harassment, and employees who have not finished the course include measures such as the ranking of the personnel evaluation will be dropped, and a policy to raise awareness of the sexual harassment problem is set.
The changes made by Google can be confirmed in detail in the PDF document of the following link.
Our commitments and actions | november_announcement

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