It is pointed out that not only unemployment but also 'imbalance between effort and compensation' is a problem in the pandemic.

The pandemic of the new coronavirus has severely affected the world economy, and it is said that

many people around the world have been forced into unemployment. Meanwhile, Jessica Stanhope , a physics instructor at the University of Adelaide, Australia, said that 'imbalance between effort and reward' could be a problem for those who were able to continue working. Explain.

Do you feel undervalued and overworked? COVID-19 is likely to affect the employed too

Rising unemployment is undoubtedly a negative effect of the pandemic, and unemployment has been shown to be associated with worsening health, but those who continue to work are not immune to worsening health problems. They pointed out. People who continue to work in the pandemic are facing the problems of increased labor and reduced compensation.

The feeling that a worker is 'not getting paid for the effort he or she is spending on his or her work' is called an imbalance between effort and compensation. Studies show that workers with an imbalance between effort and reward have increased levels of stress hormones and are at increased risk of depression , cardiovascular disease , diabetes and musculoskeletal problems.

People who continue to work during the pandemic are forced to work to the extent of those who have been forced into unemployment due to cost cuts, or are forced to cope with the drastic changes in the working environment. In addition, work during a pandemic, such as working from home while caring for children and unfamiliar remote communication, may increase labor, so it is easy to experience an increase in labor.

To make matters worse, Stanhope and colleagues point out that uncertain economic conditions during the pandemic could reduce employee compensation. Even if it does not decrease, there are cases where the wage increase that was supposed to increase is postponed, the opportunity for promotion is postponed, and the employment security is weakened.

From the above, it is hard to say that employees are rewarded even though they feel that they are spending more effort during the pandemic, and it is easy to experience an imbalance between effort and compensation. .. As a result, Stanhope warns that people working during the pandemic are at risk of health problems.

Just because a worker feels an imbalance between effort and compensation does not mean that he or she can quit his job immediately. Whether you want to keep your ideal career, commit to a job, or don't have the confidence to find your next job in a pandemic, you may choose to continue working for a variety of factors. As a result, if work effort and compensation remain unbalanced, the risk of poor health increases.

Employers need to be careful not to let employees feel an imbalance between effort and compensation, but in pandemic situations it can be difficult to raise compensation. In that case, by praising the employee or giving a word of gratitude, it may be possible to improve the dissatisfaction to some extent. You may also be able to reduce the risk of being overwhelmed by tasks by working together with employees and managers to change job assignments and give them jobs that they want to do or that lead to future opportunities. Stanhope and colleagues say.

At times like a pandemic, people can hear people inside and outside the workplace saying, 'I'm happy to have a job,' but these statements hinder employees from discussing work issues. Therefore, it is important to take measures to reduce the risk of employees having health problems, such as providing a place where the workplace can openly discuss work-related stress.

in Note, Posted by log1h_ik