60% of Twitter users' Americans have experienced leaving Twitter, of which 25% are unlikely to use Twitter within a year


Pew Research Institute , a think tank that specializes in analyzing people's awareness and opinions in the United States and the world, has announced the results of a survey on Twitter usage frequency and usage. In the survey, 60% of Americans who used Twitter in the past year have left Twitter, and 25% of those users reported that they are unlikely to use Twitter within the year.

How US adults on Twitter use the site after Elon Musk's takeover | Pew Research Center

Many US Twitter users have taken a break from Twitter, and some may not use it a year from now | Pew Research Center

https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/05/17/majority-of-us-twitter-users-say-theyve-taken-a-break-from-the-platform-in-the- past-year/

A research team led by Athena Chapekis of the Pew Research Center reported new findings on Twitter usage in the United States. Chapekis and others reported using Twitter during

the American Trends Panel , which surveyed more than 10,000 randomly selected Americans from December 12-18, 2022. We conducted a survey of users who

As a result of the survey, it became clear that tweets about Mr. Mask have increased on Twitter since Mr. Elon Mask's acquisition of Twitter . Between April 14, 2022 and October 26, 2022, before Musk's acquisition, each user tweeted about Musk an average of three times. It is reported that users tweeted about Mr. Musk six times on average in the months leading up to April 2019.

Also, after Mr. Mask's acquisition of Twitter, it became clear that all tweets were created by a small number of users, as before the acquisition. Since the start of the survey by the Pew Research Center, it has been reported that about 20% of Twitter users in the United States produce about 98% of all tweets. In addition, it is clear that Democrats and their supporters account for about 68% of all tweets.

In addition, when the research team investigated the top 20% of the most active Twitter users in terms of tweet volume, it was found that the volume of tweets decreased significantly in the months following the acquisition of Twitter by Mr. Mask. The average number of tweets per month for these users decreased by about 25% from pre-acquisition to post-acquisition. Meanwhile, 8 out of 10 of the most active users between January 1, 2022 and April 14, 2022 were found to remain the most active users after Musk acquired Twitter. Did. After the acquisition of Twitter, these users remained in the top 20% of tweets even though the number of tweets decreased by about 25%.

However, in a survey conducted March 13-19, 2023, 60% of Americans who said they used Twitter in the past year reported they had left Twitter for more than a few weeks during that period. bottom. In addition, it has been reported that there are differences in gender and race in the answers that they have left Twitter.

About 69% of women reported that they used Twitter but had been away for more than a few weeks, compared to about 54% of men. Also, about 67% of black users reported having left Twitter, while about 60% of white users and about 54% of Hispanic users differed by race.

In addition, when the research team asked Twitter users, ``Are you still using Twitter after a year?'' About 40% answered that they are very likely to use Twitter within a year. Approximately 35% of users also answered that they are slightly more likely to use Twitter. On the other hand, about 25% of users say they are unlikely or never to use Twitter even a year from now.

In addition, since Mr. Musk acquired Twitter, it was revealed that about three-quarters of tweets from Twitter users in the United States were retweets or replies to other users. In addition, many users who retweet are left-wing Democrats and Democratic supporters, about 50% of the total, while users who reply to other users are mostly right-wing Republicans and their supporters. reported to account for 61%.

in Web Service, Posted by log1r_ut