'#ADayOffTwitch' boycotts the delivery for only one day, complaining that 'Twitch should protect users from vandalism discrimination comment bombing' broke out

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On Wednesday, September 1, 2021, Twitch, a live game distribution platform, is conducting a '#ADayOffTwitch' campaign in which multiple distributors boycott the live game. The movement aims to appeal to Twitch for the protection of users and creators against the increasing number of bot vandalism that posts a large number of slanderous comments including racism and sexism. And.

Twitch streamers stage a walkout to protest and bring awareness to harassment --The Verge

Some Twitch Streamers Are Boycotting On Wednesday Over Twitch Hate Raids --GameSpot

Over the last few weeks, trolls called ' Hait Raid ', which automatically write slanderous comments including racism, sexism, and transphobia content, have surged across Twitch. The distributor used the hashtag #TwitchDoBetter (Twitch, improve it) to ask for some help with this hate bombing.

The Twitch side commented, 'We are working hard to make Twitch a safer place for creators.' 'We are updating word filters and taking measures such as bot account BAN every day.' However, the current situation is that hate bombing is increasing at a level that exceeds the measures taken by Twitch.

Is one who proposed the '#ADayOffTwitch' in Twitch delivery who calls himself a trans-sexual ShineyPen says, '' # ADayOffTwitch 'is the purpose that the distributor is to unite, us to Twitch is going on behalf of Is one of the steps we have to take. ' In addition, RekItRaven, a distributor who participates in '#ADayOffTwitch', said, 'It is not the purpose of affecting Twitch's profits, but the aim of bringing together the distributors who have reached the limit. Hate bombing. I think it's important to unite for everyone who receives and show that we won't give in. '

We agreed to this '#ADayOffTwitch' and declared that multiple distributors would not live stream on September 1st.

'#ADayOffTwitch will be launched on September 1st, and I would like to re-share this request.' #ADayOffTwitch 'is a great idea and I would like to support it, especially hate bombing. I think people who aren't affected by Twitch or who can afford to benefit from Twitch should voluntarily stop broadcasting on Twitch. '

However, Twitch is an important source of income for some broadcasters, and even a single day off can have a huge impact on their activity. There is also the problem that it is not easy to take a break from distribution because some distributors have advertising or partnership contracts with companies. Therefore, some distributors have announced that they will not participate in '#ADayOffTwitch'.

Detune , a music producer and Twitch distributor, said that the aim of vandalism is for the distributor who was the target of the hate bombing to suspend Twitch, and taking a day off from the distribution with '#ADayOffTwitch' will add to the vandalism. Pointed out that it is a thing. 'Continuing to stream and voicing opposition to vandalism is the best way to combat vandalism,' detune said, stating that he wouldn't participate in '#ADayOffTwitch.'

In addition, Asmongold, who is known for live broadcasting of MMORPG, said in his own distribution, 'If you take a break from distribution for only one day, no one cares. Nobody knows you.' 'Of course, the power of numbers. I believe, so if all the well-known broadcasters with a lot of followers participate in '#ADayOffTwitch', I will participate too. '

in Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk