The results of the AI beauty contest with prize money to decide the world's most beautiful AI are announced

The results of the Miss AI beauty contest, which competes for the beauty of virtual models created by AI, have been released. The creator of the virtual model that won first place was awarded a prize of $5,000 (about 800,000 yen).

The World's First AI Creator Awards

With the development of image generation AI and text generation AI, it is now possible to create virtual models that can 'post on social media with their face photos.' Virtual models are sometimes used to advertise products, and there are also cases where they earn money on 'platforms where text and images can be published only to paid supporters.' For example, in November 2023, a virtual model that earns more than 1.6 million yen per month became a hot topic.

Introducing the AI model 'Aitana' that earns over 1.6 million yen a month, a popular model who also receives date invitations from celebrities - GIGAZINE

'Miss AI' is a beauty contest for virtual models, and was held as part of the 'World AI Creator Awards' sponsored by 'Fanvue,' a paid content publishing platform for virtual models. The organizers of Miss AI are promoting the contest as 'the first beauty contest featuring AI-generated virtual models.'

Any virtual model with an account on social media can participate in Miss AI. Judging was based on 'beauty,' 'content of answers to a series of questions,' 'level of proficiency of the technology used to create the virtual model,' and 'social influence, such as number of Instagram followers.'

The judges consist of four people, including an AI creator and a beauty pageant historian.

The results of the first Miss AI contest are as follows: 1st place went to '

Kenza Layli ' who is active mainly in Morocco, 2nd place to ' Lalina ' who is active mainly in France, and 3rd place to ' Olivia C ' who is active mainly in Portugal.

Here is an example of an Instagram post by Kenza Layli, who won first place. At the time of writing, she had 202,000 followers.

Lalina, in second place, has 119,000 followers on Instagram.

Olivia C, in third place, has 12,000 followers.

Some have also expressed concern that Miss AI will lead to a homogenization of beauty standards. For example, Kelly McEnany , a researcher on gender and AI at Cambridge University, said, 'AI (used to create virtual models) is designed to replicate and amplify existing patterns in the world. They replicate existing beauty standards that are sexist, fat-phobic, and discriminate between people by skin color.'

AI ethics researcher Margaret Mitchell also points out that 'it's frightening to think what damage (AI-generated virtual models) could do to children's self-image.' 'If unrealistic beauty standards become widespread , children will become more conscious of the gap between themselves and those standards, which could lead to them trying dodgy skin care products or making extreme dietary choices.'

in Software, Posted by log1o_hf