'Omakub', which allows you to build an Ubuntu development environment with a single command, is released by the author of Ruby on Rails, Omakub is an abbreviation for 'Omakase Ubuntu'

Ruby on Rails creator

David Heinemeyer Hansson (aka DHH) has released ' Omakub ', which allows you to set up a web development environment for Ubuntu with just one command. Omakub is an abbreviation for 'An Omakase Developer Setup for Ubuntu'.

Omakub — An Omakase Developer Setup for Ubuntu 24.04 by DHH

To set up your web development environment with Omakub, simply run the following command. This will install selected software useful for web development, and also apply recommended settings and themes.
[code]wget -qO- https://omakub.org/install | bash[/code]

Omakub uses ' Alacritty ' for the terminal and ' Zellij ' for the terminal multiplexer. In addition, ' Neovim ' and ' Visual Studio Code ' are used as text editors. DHH personally likes Neovim, but he also used Visual Studio Code because Neovim is difficult to operate for beginners.

In addition, while the desktop environment remains the standard Ubuntu Gnome, settings have been added that allow you to switch workspaces with a single shortcut key.

Omakub is also particular about appearance, and by default, the popular Visual Studio Code theme ' Tokyo Night ' is applied to Neovim, Alacritty, etc. In addition to Tokyo Night, themes such as 'Gruvbox', 'Everforest', 'Rose Pine', 'Catppuccin', 'Nord', and 'Kanagawa' are also installed at the same time.

Omakub also installs other apps such as ' VLC ', ' Pinta ', ' Flameshot ', and ' Xournal++ '. The apps and settings installed by Omakub can be found in the following GitHub repository.

GitHub - basecamp/omakub: Opinionated Ubuntu Setup

DHH had been using the macOS text editor 'TextMate' for a long time, but after his own app was rejected by Apple, he sought to leave the Apple ecosystem. After that, he decided to switch to Neovim , and finally settled on an environment where he uses Neovim on Linux.

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in Software, Posted by log1o_hf