The preview version of Windows Terminal has been updated to 0.9, a new function that allows you to freely open the terminal screen from the command line, etc. are added
The terminal emulator '
Windows Terminal Preview v0.9 Release | Windows Command Line
◆ New option for 'wt' command
This update adds new options to the 'wt' command. The terminal screen can be freely called from the command line by using the wt command. For example, if you execute the following command ...
[code] wt -d [/ code]
The environment set as the default profile starts in a separate window.
The new 'new-tab' option allows you to display the terminal screen in multiple tabs while specifying the environment.
[code] wt -d.; new-tab -d C: \ wsl.exe [/ code]
For example, you can mount C drive from Linux on
It is also possible to split the screen and launch different environments.
By combining commands, you can launch complex environments in one shot.
◆ Automatically recognize multiple versions of PowerShell
A new feature has been added that automatically recognizes multiple versions of PowerShell and adds it to the Windows Terminal profile.
◆ Skip 'Close all tabs' confirmation
From version 0.9, you can skip the 'Close all tabs' confirmation when exiting Windows Terminal.
By adding the following description at the top of the configuration file, you can skip the confirmation and exit Windows Terminal.
[code] 'confirmCloseAllTabs': false, [/ code]
There are many other small updates and bug fixes. The preview version of Windows Terminal has its source code published on GitHub and can be installed from the Microsoft Store.
GitHub-microsoft / terminal: The new Windows Terminal and the original Windows console host, all in the same place!
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in Software, Posted by darkhorse_log