VALORANT management announces hardware bans for harmful players, declares separation from harmful players, urging them to 'play other games'

The management team of the popular shooter game ' VALORANT ' has stated that 'harmful players will be subject to hardware bans.' In addition, it has been announced that the target areas for

voice chat monitoring, which is currently being implemented in some regions, will be expanded and that the policy will be updated within the next 30 days.

VALORANT has text and voice chat functions within the game, allowing players to communicate with each other. However, the chat function has become a breeding ground for abusive language, and on May 13, 2024, Twitch streamer Taylor Morgan attracted attention by accusing players of 'raping me' and other abusive language while playing VALORANT.

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Morgan's accusations received a lot of support, and on May 15, 2024, Anna Dolan, executive producer of VALORANT, apologized to Morgan and stated that she would make 'measures against harmful players' a priority and work to improve the game.

Then, on May 31, 2024, a movie of over 7 minutes was released in which Dolan talks about the treatment of harmful players in VALORANT. In the movie, Dolan said, 'There is no room for the worst behavior in our community, and we are not going to compromise. If you need to make evil statements to enjoy the game, play another game. Don't show up again,' strongly criticizing harmful players.

Keeping Our Community Healthy // Dev Updates - YouTube

The VALORANT management team also announced that they will take the following measures to reduce harmful players: In online games, accounts that violate the terms of use are often suspended, but if you are hardware banned, you will not be able to play the game on the device you are using, making it difficult to troll using a throwaway account.

Update the policy within 30 days to include swift and severe penalties for bad behavior
- Implement hardware bans against harmful players
・Strengthen the team that responds to policy violations
・Expand the target areas for voice chat monitoring measures
A one-time review will be conducted for users who were top violators during the previous Act (VALORANT season), with penalties imposed accordingly.

In addition, the management team revealed that patch 8.10 includes measures such as 'if someone is punished during a match, a notification will be displayed to others in addition to the person who reported it,' and 'if violating text is detected in text chat, the user who sent that text will be prevented from posting messages and will be muted until the end of the match.'

in Video,   Game, Posted by log1o_hf