Threads is testing a new option to let you archive old posts

Threads testing option to let users automatically archive old posts
Mosseri updated his Threads account, writing, 'We're starting to test the option to archive posts for a small group of people. You can manually archive individual posts, or we can automatically archive all posts after a period of time. You can always unarchive a post if you want it to be public again. We previously ran a survey and heard a lot of people prefer not to make archiving the default, so we're making it optional.'
Posted by @mosseriView on Threads
According to the image posted by Mosseri, it appears that you can manually archive a post by tapping the three dots on the right side of the post and then tapping 'Archive now.'
In addition, Mosseri previously conducted a survey on Threads asking, 'What do you think about automatically archiving old posts by default?' In this survey, many users were against the automatic archiving feature, so the Instagram developer team seems to have implemented the archive feature as an option.
Starting in mid-April 2024, Threads began rolling out an option to some users that allows them to display only the 'newest' items in the search function.

Regarding the feature, Mosseri said, 'We're starting to test it with a small group of people to make it easier for you to find relevant search results in real time, and we look forward to your feedback.'
Posted by @mosseriView on Threads