30 Quotes on Business, Leadership, and Life by Stephen Covey from “The 7 Habits”

The self-help book ``
30 of The Best Stephen Covey Quotes

1: First try to understand what the other person is saying, then ask the other person to understand you.
2: Most people don't listen with the intention of understanding. They are listening with the intention of replying.
3: If I were to ask myself, ``What do I think one topic, one theme, one point will have the biggest impact on people, or a great idea that touches the soul more deeply than anything else?'' If someone were to ask, ``what is the most practical, appropriate, and timely ideal, regardless of the situation?'', the answer without hesitation would be ``the freedom to choose things.'' Fundamentally, we are born through choice, and our genes and environment have no bearing on how we develop. It is true that genes and environment sometimes have a strong influence, but they are definitely not determinative.
4: It is important to ask yourself the question every morning: 'Do we act on life or do we act without thinking?'
5: We are not born of our circumstances. We are the product of our own decisions.

6: When asked if our talents are something we are born with or something we develop as we grow, I answered, 'Neither. It's a result of our choices.' Masu. Similarly, when asked if leadership is something you are born with or something you develop, my answer is, 'Neither. It's something you create.'
7: Leadership is a choice, not a job title.
8: There are three things that don't change in life: ``change,'' ``choice,'' and ``there are principles.''
9: Various religions are spreading in the world, but at their root are 'respect for others,' 'honesty,' 'kindness to others,' 'honesty,' and 'service.' The principles of 'being fair' and 'being fair' are the same in all of them.
10: Making a mistake and not admitting it are two completely different things. Because mistakes are basically mistakes of the mind and mistakes of judgment. However, people don't like to admit their mistakes.

11: The most basic thing is that an organization is a relationship with a certain purpose.
12: If you want to make small changes in your life, you should try to improve your behavior and attitude. Also, if you want to make a big change, you should change the way you see and perceive things.
13: In many great works of literature, 'love' is seen as a verb. Love means doing something, making sacrifices, and giving of yourself to another person.
14: To understand organizational behavior, we must not study organizational behavior itself. The important thing is to 'study and understand human nature.'
15: Fundamentally, there are only two roles in an organization: customer and supplier. Therefore, the essence of good business is improving the quality of customer and supplier relationships.

16: I change the way I interact with people depending on how much I can forgive.
17: What I want you to remember is, ``When your life depends on the weakness of another person, your life is being destroyed by the other person.''
18: Trust is the highest form of human motivation.
19: Trust is the glue in life, the most important element in effective communication, and the fundamental principle that underpins all human relationships.
20: Effective leadership means putting things first. Furthermore, 'effective management' means establishing discipline and implementing it appropriately.
21: ``Management'' is an efficient way to climb the ladder of success, and ``leadership'' is the key element that determines whether the ladder is leaning against the wall correctly.
22: Many of us spend too much time on urgent things. As a result, they don't have enough time for the important things in life.
23: A 'win-win relationship' refers to the mindset of always pursuing mutual benefit in all human relationships.
24: When you have an opinion for a greater cause but lack the passion to express it, that void is filled with anxiety and replaced by the many opinions that drive society.
25: A 'good sacrifice' is giving up something for something better, even if it is good.

26: All organizations, even if they are called 'the best organizations,' always have some kind of problem. Furthermore, the underlying problems faced by each organization are all the same.
27: There is a simple reason for the questions ``Why are we not satisfied with our jobs?'' ``Why are we not able to bring out the talent, ingenuity, and creativity of our employees?'' This is because 'human beings are not things that can be motivated or controlled, but are four-dimensional beings with bodies, minds, and spirits.'
28: I believe that living an honest life is the most basic idea that increases personal value. Peace of mind comes when your life is in harmony with your self-esteem and your values.
29: The most powerful investment you can make in life is in yourself, the only way to enrich your life.
30: You will find your own definition of success by carefully considering the answer to the question ``What do I enjoy being told?'' based on your past experiences.
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