What is the 'toxic productivity trap' that people who pursue productivity tend to fall into?

Many people think that 'improving productivity' is the key to a wonderful life, and the world is flooded with 'tips for improving productivity' and 'list of things to avoid because it reduces productivity'. I am. However, leadership and work environment expert Rachel Cook warns that there is a risk of getting too 'toxic productivity traps' in an attempt to improve productivity.
How to Combat Toxic Productivity
Cook has been proud of his productivity for many years, and as a lecturer, he also gives lectures on improving productivity. Cook claims productivity is an act that brings profits and positive results, such as 'release a product to a client,' 'publish a blog post that attracts new customers,' and 'acquire new skills to achieve goals.' However, some people who think that 'a life with high productivity = a life without waste' think that 'always busy is the most productive state' and get caught up in toxic productivity. There is a case.
Original productivity is 'what should be improved in order to achieve the goal', but when it comes to toxic productivity, the awareness that 'you must always be busy' has already achieved the goal. You will not be able to stop and take a break. Already satisfying clients, posting useful blogs, and having new skills but not being able to rest can eventually lead to problems such as overwork and burnout.

Cook, who has experienced toxic productivity himself, gives some signs that people who are trapped in toxic productivity feel.
・ I feel that my energy has dropped
Cook points out that when you're in a state of pursuit of busyness, it's difficult to 'finish your work' and you can't get enough rest, which can burn you out or get tired.
・ Creativity is declining
When he is busy doing something all the time, he misses the opportunity to imagine and pursue the pleasure of learning something new.
・ Count until Monday
On holidays, the 'just cause for working' diminishes, so you may feel anxious about 'I'm not productive now' when I'm resting, and I may start to wait for weekdays. that's right.
・ I always feel that I am late
When Cook was trapped in toxic productivity, he felt that he had something to do, even though he had lived up to his clients' expectations, and he was celebrating the work he had accomplished. He states that he could not become.
Cook argues that if these are the case, you may be trapped in toxic productivity and need to overcome it.

Cook points out that there is no easy way to overcome toxic productivity, and you have to gradually become aware of your condition and improve. So here are four tips to improve your toxic productivity.
1: Set '3 core tasks' every day
Cook says he will start the day by setting 'the three highest priority tasks to do today.' There may be other tasks to do besides these three, but Cook says that if you can complete these three tasks at the end of the day, you call that day a 'victory day.' increase.
The three tasks are not necessarily related to tasks such as 'sending deliverables to clients' and 'successful sales meetings', but 'walking with my daughter', 'calling my father', and 'reading books'. It also includes things like 'Reading through Chapter 3'. When setting three tasks, it is said that it is not based on difficulty or effort, but on whether it is a task with a clear purpose.
2: Think about the 'reason' for the task
When adding something to a task list, Cook recommends thinking 'Why should I do that task?' And not adding tasks for which the reason isn't clear. When he first started his business, Cook was overwhelmed by the items on his ToDo list, such as posting on social media, forming connections, and taking online courses. However, Mr. Cook at that time had only answers to the question 'Why should I post on SNS?' 'Because other business owners did so', and he seems to have lost sight of the purpose of the task. is.
'I felt I should learn something every day ... but in return I couldn't stop to process, think about, or put into action what I learned. I did. ' From these reflections, Cook decided to reassess the value of the tasks he was doing and ask for reasons for his daily tasks.

3: Take '1 minute deep breath' only 3 times daily
You might think, 'Anyone can take just one minute of deep breathing three times a day,' but for those who are toxic and productive, stopping even a little requires a lot of willpower. is. Cook argues that deep breathing doesn't have to be indulged in meditation, just stop working, sit down, and stay quiet.
'This experience isn't like moving a mountain, but it's a small reset,' Cook said. This confirms that I'm doing something meaningful or intentionally. To encourage you to focus on yourself. At the end of the 60 seconds, you may simply return to the work you were doing, but sometimes after a short break you will work on a more intentional task. It helps. '
4: Firmly 'shut down' yourself in work mode
Cook points out that it's important to clearly end the 'productive day' and shut down yourself. Sometimes I work until 22:00 due to the balance with the client, but that is what I intended, and when the work is light, I will cut off the work and go out for lunch with my friends even at noon. 'There is no right time to end your day. It's simply the act of ending your day and the discipline that respects that decision,' Cook said.

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in Note, Posted by log1h_ik