Comcast agrees to the recommendation of the National Advertising Council to stop using the expression '10G' as it is an exaggeration

Following the National Advertising Oversight Agency (NAD), the National Advertising Council (NARB) has also recommended that the name be discontinued regarding the fixed internet line ``Xfinity 10G Network'' used by the major telecommunications company Comcast. In response to this, Comcast expressed dissatisfaction but agreed to discontinue the use of the name '10G.'

NARB Recommends Comcast Discontinue “10G” in “Xfinity 10G Network”

Comcast reluctantly agrees to stop its misleading “10G Network” claims | Ars Technica

Comcast will change the name of its fixed line service to 'Xfinity 10G Network' starting February 2023. Comcast explains that it chose ``10G'' to complement the ``5G'' mobile network.

However, there were complaints from competitors, and NAD requested that its use be discontinued, claiming that it misleads people into thinking it is a ``10G network'' or ``10Gbps speeds.''

The National Advertising Oversight Agency requests Comcast to stop using the name 'Xfinity 10G Network' even though it is not '10G' because it is a false label - GIGAZINE

Comcast has indicated that it does not agree to NAD's request and has appealed to NARB, NAD's superior agency.

This time, NARB, like NAD, concluded that ``the name 10G explicitly indicates that at least Xfinity users will be able to use faster speeds than the 5G network,'' and that it may be misleading. Since the speed of ``10Gbps'' is not available to all Xfinity users, we have decided to discontinue the use of the service name ``Xfinity 10G Network'' and to use the term ``10G'' when describing the ``Xfinity'' network. recommended the cancellation.

Comcast expressed dissatisfaction with NARB's decision, saying it 'strongly disagrees with the analysis and approach,' but said it plans to abide by the decision.

in Note, Posted by logc_nt