Verizon found that Verizon did a test to limit communication band without notice to Netflix or YouTube

ByMike Mozart

"The communication band is narrowed" means a decrease in communication speed, which is not very favorable for a service that delivers video such as YouTube or Netflix because the user's comfort decreases. However, Verizon, a major telecommunication carrier in the United States, is actually aware of the fact that it was testing silently to narrow the communication band for YouTube and Netflix.

Is Verizon throttling Netflix data now??: Verizon

Verizon Throttles Netflix Subscribers In 'Test' It Does not Inform Customers About | Techdirt

It was the user of social site · reddit, IBen 95111 who pointed out this point early.

IBen 95111 used LTE band 13 to measure the communication speed measurement site · by OoklaThe result you gave in. Downstream is 67.22 Mbps, Uplink is 20.31 Mbps.

On the other hand, likewise using the LTE band 13Fast.comMeasuring the communication speed at 11 Mbps. is a measurement website operated by Netflix.

This difference did not fill up even if the measurement was repeated three times, even when restarting the terminal it seems that the same result was obtained.

Just to be sure, the result of connecting with LTE band 4 is kore. has 80.58 Mbps downstream and 31.90 Mbps upstream.

9.1 Mbps at

If there is something wrong with the measurement method, Mr. IBen 95111 moved by the base station and measured it at a distance of 6 m. Then, at, the downhill became 155.92 Mbps, and a big effect appeared ... ... is again at 11 Mbps, no improvement in speed.

Are there other factors? As I pointed out, when IBen 95111 connected to via Wi-Fi, 300 Mbps was released, we released the measurement results and thought that there might be some problem with the network.

Mobile related forum "Howard Forums" also became a topic, from users GusHerb 94,As with Netflix, YouTube has been limited to 10 Mbps, and using VPN triples speedInformation was received.

Verizon Is Throttling Netflix?

According to Ars Technica and The Verge of the news site Verizon who pursued pursued, "Although testing the new video optimization system, it is a temporary test and it affects the actual video image "We sent a statement acknowledging that we were restricting the band.

Verizon accused of throttling Netflix and YouTube, admits to "video optimization" | Ars Technica

Verizon admits to throttling video in apparent violation of net neutrality - The Verge

The problem that comes out here is "Network neutrality"is. Network neutrality is quoted from the beginning of Wikipedia's article: "Internet service provider (Internet connection provider)" and "Internet service provider" (Internet connection provider), without distinction or distinction depending on user, content, site, platform, application, connected device, The idea that the government should treat all data on the Internet equally. " That is to say, "Do not try to lower the communication speed because it is a video" or "Let's speed up the communication speed only for a specific service".

The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has adopted a new rule on network neutrality in 2015, but on the other hand there is an opinion that "free competition is the vitality of the Internet", Verizon said com Cast and other major ISPs were taking the position of opposition.

And for this video optimization problem Verizon is making a claim that it is "rational network management" which was supposed to be an exception in the new rule of 2015 this time. Verizon said it is a "video optimization system", so it was limited to specific content called "video content", but restrictions were imposed not only on Netflix and YouTube but on all video content.

In The Verge, it is impossible to say that "This is absolutely certainly contrary" though this one is "contrary to network neutrality" but whether it is regarded as "reasonable network management" FCC It depends on Verizon if it is up to it. Mr. Ahito V · Pai, FCC Chairperson nominated by President Trump in January 2017, is a "net neutrality criticism" against the adoption of the new rule in 2015 and was announced in 2010FCC Open Internet Order 2010People trying to kill. In the future, it is concerned that the Internet neighborhood in the United States is not the form that the consumer seeks, but the possibility of deploying to the advantageous form of the business.

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt