Telecommunications company Verizon sued for failing to stop copyright infringing users

Verizon, a major telecommunications company, has been sued for allowing copyright infringers to use its network despite sending out more than 340,000 copyright infringement notices since the beginning of 2020. The plaintiffs are numerous record companies, including Warner Music and Sony Music Entertainment.

2024.07.12 DRAFT Verizon Complaint - gov.uscourts.nysd.624722.1.0.pdf
(PDF file)

Record labels sue Verizon for not disconnecting pirates' Internet service | Ars Technica

According to the plaintiffs, tens of thousands of Verizon subscribers are using the Verizon network to engage in P2P copyright infringement, and the plaintiffs have been sending Verizon notices of copyright infringement for some time now, with some of the subscribers being the subject of as many as 4,450 notices.

However, the plaintiffs allege that Verizon willfully ignored the notices and continued to provide services to its subscribers, thereby reaping huge profits. The plaintiffs filed a lawsuit alleging that such actions contributed to copyright infringement. The issue in this case is whether the telecommunications company meets the requirements for

contributory and vicarious infringement .

The plaintiffs slammed Verizon, saying, 'Verizon knowingly serves a massive community of copyright infringers. They're famous for their 'Can you hear me now?' tagline, but they appear to be intentionally turning a deaf ear to complaints from copyright holders.'

The complaint states, 'By failing to terminate the infringers' accounts, Verizon has earned improper revenue that would not have been earned if it had properly terminated the accounts, and by not implementing a program to remove infringers, it has saved the Company money. As a result, Verizon has unequivocally and directly benefited financially from its subscribers' piracy. In other words, Verizon chose not to remove infringers because it wanted to keep the revenue they generated.'

in Web Service, Posted by log1p_kr