NVIDIA and Convai announce the completion of technology that breathes 'life' into game characters with the power of generative AI

GPU manufacturer Nvidia and Convai, which produces AI for virtual worlds, have announced the current status of their jointly developed technology that enables natural conversations with characters in the game world using the power of AI.From January 9, 2024, It was announced at

CES held on the 12th.

I literally spoke with Nvidia's AI-powered video game NPCs - The Verge

NVIDIA and Convai also announced the status of similar technology in May 2023.

NVIDIA releases demo movie of ``NVIDIA Avatar Cloud Engine (ACE)'' that allows you to talk to game NPCs using generated AI - GIGAZINE

In the demo as of May 2023, it was announced that you would have a conversation with Jin, the owner of a ramen shop in the Cyberpunk world.

When the player asks in a voice, 'Hey Jin, how are you?', Jin replies, 'Unfortunately, not so good', and as they listen to the reason, The content was related to the quest.

Although the above demo from May 2023 gave a glimpse of future gameplay in that it allows you to communicate with game characters using your voice, native speakers said, ``

There's a lot of room for improvement in the conversation .'' It has been reviewed.

Then, at CES in January 2024, NVIDIA and Convai released a more sophisticated demo.

NVIDIA ACE Brings Digital Characters to Life with Generative AI ft. Convai - YouTube

This demo also includes conversations between NPCs. The conversation changes every time due to AI generation, and the movie shows how the conversation is actually regenerated and changed.

In addition to NPCs, there were also scenes where humans and NPCs conversed, just like last time. 'Kai, long time no see. You've been hiding in the shadows or have you just been trying to avoid me.' 'Hey Nova it's good to see you.I haven't been trying to avoid you just been super busy.' It is being done.

According to a review by the news site The Verge , ``Although it is clear that the NPCs are chatbots created by AI rather than real people, entering these NPC shops and asking questions by voice is similar to common NPCs in other games.'' Exceeds your expectations.'

The Verge's review actually includes a conversation log between the NPC and the reporter, so if you're interested, please check it out.

in Software,   Video,   Game, Posted by log1d_ts