I tried two types of Domino's Pizza's ``Cheese Volcano'', which is full of volume and eaten by dipping pizza into a volcano of melting rich cheddar cheese.

Domino's Pizza, a delivery pizza chain, is offering an extra-large pizza `` Cheese Volcano '' with a diameter of 40 cm for a limited time from January 9, 2024 (Tuesday) to February 18, 2024 (Sunday). Cheese Volcano is a giant pizza with a mountain of dough that looks like a volcano rising up in the center, and piping hot cheese sauce is stored inside, creating a new sensation of pizza that you can eat by letting the pizza dive. So, I was really curious about what kind of pizza it was, so I actually ordered it and tried it.

Cheese Volcano™ | Domino's Pizza


There are two types of Cheese Volcano: Classic Quattro (5180 yen including tax) and Premium Quattro (5980 yen including tax). This time I ordered both.

This is what it looks like when you open the box. With a diameter of 40cm, it looks quite impressive in size. In the center part there was a part where cheese volcano dipping sauce was collected, and a paper was placed on top.

This is what it looks like when you remove the paper. A thick, dark yellow cheese volcano sauce is piled up in the center of the pizza.

'Cheese Volcano Classic Quattro' looks like this.





And the volcano part in the center where the cheese volcano sauce accumulates seems to be made of dough.

If you look from the side, you can see that the volcanic part is rising from the pizza.

When I scooped up the cheese volcano sauce with a spoon, it was quite sticky with a viscosity similar to honey.

I picked up a piece of tropical to try it right away.

Domino's pizza usually has a deep cut all the way to the center of the circle, so there's no need to use a pizza cutter. However, since the Cheese Volcano has a structure in which there is a volcano in the center where the sauce accumulates, the cut disappeared under the volcano from the middle, and if you lifted it as it was, the pizza would tear in the middle.

Therefore, it is recommended to make a deep cut with a knife or cutter around the base of the volcano.

So, I took a piece of tropical and dipped it into the cheese volcano sauce that was collecting in the volcano in the center.

When I tried it, I found that the cheese volcano sauce was a rich cheddar sauce with a strong salty taste, so I felt that it went well with the sweet and sour taste of the tropical pineapple topping. An editorial staff member who tried it said, ``I don't usually like pizza topped with pineapple, but I really like the saltiness of the cheddar cheese and the strong flavor and habit that balances out the pineapple.''

In the margarita, the bright acidity of the cherry tomatoes goes well with the rich cheddar cheese. Another great feature is that you can adjust the amount of cheese volcano sauce on your pizza slices depending on the depth of the dip.

Genovese is. I felt that the aroma of the basil sauce faded a little before the strong flavor of the cheese volcano sauce, but the punch of ham and garlic was still there, so there was enough volume.

And an American dish with a simple composition of pepperoni and tomato sauce. Both pepperoni and tomato sauce are ingredients with strong umami, so they will stand up to the flavor of cheese volcano sauce and have a punchy taste.

Next, I will try 'Cheese Volcano Premium Quattro'.

'Chef's whimsical vegetable special'

'Koma Kalbi'

'Giga Meat'

'Seafood Special'

The chef's whimsical vegetable special has a simple taste, so when you dip it in the volcano, you feel like you're being swallowed up by the taste of the cheese volcano sauce. The strong salty and umami taste of cheddar cheese is accented with the sourness of cherry tomatoes, the elasticity of ham, and the crunchy texture of onions.

The flavor of the Korean galbi is as strong as the cheese, making it a heart-pounding piece. The sweet grilled meat-like seasoning seems to have been subdued by the generous amount of cheddar cheese. Still, the cheese itself has quite a lot of volume, so you can feel quite satisfied.

The seafood special has the plump texture of squid and shrimp accentuated by the melty cheese volcano sauce and elastic dough. Before you eat it, don't you think the flavor of seafood will be overpowered by cheese? I thought so, but when I actually ate it, I could really taste the seafood flavor.

Giga Meat is topped with pepperoni, Italian sausage, coarsely ground sausage, smoked bacon, and tomato sauce, and the umami of the meat is strong and doesn't overpower the saltiness and flavor of the cheese. An editorial staff member who sampled the product commented, ``I always had the impression that Giga Meat was monotonous, but when it's combined with the cheese volcano sauce, it gives off a strong punch and I like it.''

The central volcanic part that remained at the end is said to be made of dough, so I cut it up and tried eating it.

The dough is thinner than the pizza part. A paper vessel was used as a base underneath.

The volcanic part had a different taste from pizza, with the salty and umami of the rich cheddar cheese being strong, and the part that hit the rim of the crater was baked crispy and fragrant.

``Cheese Volcano Classic Quattro'' and ``Cheese Volcano Premium Quattro'' are available at Domino's Pizza stores nationwide for a limited time from Tuesday, January 9, 2024 to Sunday, February 18, 2024.

in Gastronomic Adventure, Posted by log1i_yk