Google officially recognizes the ``right to repair'' and expresses support for the controversial Right to Repair bill in Oregon

On January 11, 2024, Google released a white paper recognizing the ``

right to repair '' of repairing smartphones and other devices by themselves without going through the manufacturer, and announced support for a right-to-repair bill that continues to be debated in Oregon. did.

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How Google is supporting repair and sensible right to repair legislation

Google pens letter in support of Oregon right to repair legislation | TechCrunch

Google Formally Endorses Right to Repair, Will Lobby to Pass Repair Laws

A right-to-repair bill under discussion in Oregon is said to be great for consumers looking for affordable repair options, while also being environmentally friendly in terms of making products more sustainable. Masu.

Google has praised the bill as a ``compelling model for other states to follow'' and has expressed support for the Right to Repair bill.

In order to clarify its position recognizing the 'right to repair,' Google has released its first white paper on repair. Among them, efforts related to repairing Google's genuine smartphone 'Pixel' are featured.

◆Repair parts
Google, which is affiliated with iFixit, which handles device repair services and repair parts sales,

officially publishes the parts installed in Pixel. Also, since there is no need for pairing or registration when replacing parts, a properly installed display and battery will work no matter who repairs it. Google says, ``We believe this initiative will help small businesses and local repair businesses achieve further growth.''

Google has expressed its stance that ``parts pairing'' to limit repair parts for specific devices should be prohibited, and ``parts pairing, software barriers, etc. We do not recommend practices that prevent independent repair shops or independent repair shops from replacing components.'

◆Ease of obtaining repair tools
Not only are we working to reduce the cost and number of tools needed to repair devices, but we're also partnering with iFixit to sell genuine parts online to make these tools more affordable for everyone. We have also released a self-diagnostic app to help you test your device's functionality before and after repair.

◆Clear instructions for repairs
Google is

updating its repair manual to make it easier for repair personnel to understand. The company also plans to continue uploading manuals for existing and future devices.

Google says, ``Device repairs must be easy for anyone to repair, whether they're a professional technician or a casual user. 'No matter what, we need to design products in a way that makes repairs easy, safe, and accurate. We call this 'design for serviceability.'' 'Google is committed to continuing to push the boundaries in engineering and design, repair programs, and public efforts to support device and environmental sustainability.'

in Mobile,   Hardware, Posted by log1r_ut